Seeing blue light
Seeing blue light

seeing blue light

Blue light reduces contrast, which makes it harder for your eyes to focus, and causes this strain. It causes that annoying feeling you get after a long day of work at the computer when your eyes are itchy, sore and generally worn out. Studies have shown that blue light does contribute to digital eye strain. Can you get too much blue light exposure? We don’t know how much blue light exposure is too much.Research has shown that too much blue light can damage your retinas and cause other eye conditions like macular degeneration. This wavelength can penetrate to the retina at the back of the eye. Less than one percent of UV radiation makes it the cornea of your eye, but blue light is a different story. How does blue light affect your eyes? Your eyes are naturally good at filtering light.It is also artificially produced by digital devices like computer screens, tablets, phones and other electronics. It has the shortest wavelengths and the most energy. Blue light is a natural part of the sun’s light. If you aim a beam of light through a prism of glass, you’ll see the white light divide into all the colors of the rainbow. What is blue light? We all remember learning in elementary school that there is a spectrum of color for sunlight.

seeing blue light

If you have questions about blue light, we are here to help. You may have heard news reports about digital eye strain or your ophthalmologist may have even cautioned you to check your exposure. As we spend more time on digital devices, we are exposed to blue light more than we ever have been before.

Seeing blue light